Enrol at our Bathurst Campus
Use School Finder to find out if your home address is in our Bathurst campus intake area.
Contact us when you’re ready to enrol your child at our Bathurst Campus.
Find out more about enrolling at our Bathurst Campus, visit the campus website.
A message from our principal
Welcome to Denison College of Secondary Education Bathurst High Campus. Our school provides a broad curriculum with well-established learning support structures to ensure that all students are supported to reach their academic potential. Bathurst High Campus has a highly skilled and committed teaching staff. Their focus is maximising the learning outcomes for every student.
I have high expectations of all students at Bathurst High Campus as they strive to achieve their academic best. My aim is to work in partnership with all members of the college community to develop a learning culture where all students achieve success. I will endeavour to support teachers professionally in developing a generation of confident, innovative, creative and inspired learners who are responsible and productive global citizens. I expect that students will display the values we promote – honesty, integrity and tolerance.
I would encourage you to take advantage of the wide range of opportunities made available at Bathurst High Campus and I look forward to working closely with you and your teachers as you progress and develop at this outstanding campus. Our campus provides many cultural, social and physical learning opportunities through quality learning and assessment practices in a safe, respectful environment.
As Principal, I am proud of the ongoing commitment of our Year Advisors and Welfare Teams. Their level of care and compassion for their students is to be commended. Year Advisors provide the first point of contact for students and their parents in regard to welfare issues at school.
The staff at Bathurst High Campus take pride in ensuring we provide a quality education and I encourage you to make the most of our great campus and set high goals for your own education.